A Cosy Bouquet


A still life of a spring inspired bouquet, when I see this painting I get excited for the sunny days. Going to a flower farm and picking my own flowers.

Acrylic on A5 hand made cotton paper.

This painting has been varnished, signed and dated on the back. 

Shipping is of no extra charge.

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A still life of a spring inspired bouquet, when I see this painting I get excited for the sunny days. Going to a flower farm and picking my own flowers.

Acrylic on A5 hand made cotton paper.

This painting has been varnished, signed and dated on the back. 

Shipping is of no extra charge.

You will receive a tracking number via email once this painting is safely on its way to you.

A still life of a spring inspired bouquet, when I see this painting I get excited for the sunny days. Going to a flower farm and picking my own flowers.

Acrylic on A5 hand made cotton paper.

This painting has been varnished, signed and dated on the back. 

Shipping is of no extra charge.

You will receive a tracking number via email once this painting is safely on its way to you.